What Is ShungaBliss? Science, Ecstasy, and Enlightenment for a Modern World

with me - and to get really dirty.

I'll take you through Einstein, where all of time is in the Present - and, yet, the Present is different. I'll show you how Past Lives and the Collective Unconscious are both reasonable and necessary. I'll show you how to feel the Magnetic Energy of the past and the Alka Seltzer Fizz of the future, the Cosmic Yin and Yang of real Physics that will surprise you as much as it did me. I'll demonstrate how concepts of Oneness are actually real in Physics, and how perception of that Oneness will end your unhappy ego for all time.

You'll learn about the Space Between Lives and how its immense energy affects our psychology, making the personality seem so intractable to real change.

You'll learn where emotional energy really comes from, and why repressing it is stupid.

You'll come to know the Emptiness for real and understand why all Buddhas say that language is useless and cannot (ever) work there. You'll learn to feel the Fullness of that Emptiness, too, which is the greatest gift one can hope to attain.

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